I realize that I'm getting older, and there's going to be things in future generations that I simply don't get.
I'm cool with that....generally. Most times these generational differences are small things like teenagers looking like idiots with shaggy 70's haircuts and those cracker fro's. I want to backhand them like a whore who kept money when I see them, but I can overlook it regardless. I think the idea of looking like an ass clown like this this is a bit strange, but who am I to judge on today's fashion trends.
Anyways, there is one style that has gotten to me. I don't honestly get it, I'm not fond of it, to say the least, and personally I think it's about the dumbest trend I've fucking scene in my many years on this planet. Emo kids. And to be fair, I'm not simply basing my gripe on this to just the way they look. It goes across the board to the mentality, etc.
So last night I'm enjoying another night on Twitter while I'm my unexpected vacation, and I'm talking to @SaskiaMarie, who happens to be an emo. Ok, well in her case not so bad, but close enough. Finally my curiosity just basically gets the best of me, and a basic conversation hatches into a two hours Q&A session about emo culture. Yes, I have issues, I know. Much thanks to Saskia for sticking through the whole thing, and not calling me a total dick and disconnecting the chat. I warn you ahead of time that again, it was a two hour conversation, so it's a lengthy read. This was done out of my own curiosity, and not with the pure intent to piss off all the emo kids. If it does piss you off, you can feel free to kiss my ass or email me at nick@zerointelligenceonline.com to bitch me out. I don't mind.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
first.....wtf is the deal with the hair?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol that's a really hard question >.<>
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
ok....so is there like some kind of pre set emo rules you have to follow?
with the hair, the pants, eyeliner, and being depressed all the time?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol no rules, its just common sense. When I was really into the scene, as long as you had black hair and listened to emo you were emo. Now that the 12-14 year olds have come and ruined it, I don't even know what's happening anymore. I guess the number one rule is too just look as retarded/gay/unconventional as possible xD
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
Isn't it odd that emo kids claim to be non conformists although they all look the same?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Oh, definitely. And I've had countless arguments with other emo kids (uninformed online debates about things that are completely irrelevant = emos favorite past time) who still think they're original. Most of them are smart enough to not claim they're emo, but it doesn't change the fact that they look like a million other kids.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
ok so next question.....
why is everyone so sad?
i know that contradicts the whole "emo theme" but shit.......we all have shitty lives in one way or another....what happened to buck up, take it in the chin, and move on?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Well, I'm sad 'cause I'm manic-depressive. so I guess I'm not REAL, but for most everyone else: Shockingly, emo is still a minority. And since we're a minority, we feel like we don't fit in. And I guess its just that whole feeling misunderstood thing, but I kinda thought that just came with being a teenager
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
but is there really a need to go so far as to change your look up completely and carry a totally off mentality just to say my life is crappy sometimes just like every other person in this world?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
I want to say no, there's not. But I also see it this way: We are a canvas and we are artists. The best way to really show someone what you're about is through your clothes and attitude. Preps say "I'm a happy skank" by wearing tight clothes in pretty colors a, and emos say "i'm fucked up" by wearing dark clothes and moping around. DO I make any sense?
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
to a point, but it seems a bit extreme.....
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
do you ever stop to ponder that when you get a few years older, that perhaps it wont be so bad and high school is over......so then there's no need for it?

SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
I try not to think so far ahead, that tends to make me more depressed. So maybe that's what's bumming out everyone else, too lol
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
do you think your perspective on the future is perhaps just a bit off, which could be causing the whole dilemma.....
such as.....
instead of just looking at the big picture only knowing things are always subject to change
keep one general plan to work on but not let it run you so heavy, so you can still go baby steps and live life per day?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
I figured. But let me say you're stepping more into psychology and i'm starting to hate you lol wait, are we still talking emos or me specifically?
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
well, both i suppose...you're something of an emo, and were discussing them.....so yeah kinda both i guess
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
so skip that question then?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
yes. lol I keep trying to think of a good answer, but i'm going in circles in my head
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
lol....we can go back to you.....i guess it was a mix of a question and trying to see if i could convert you for the hell of it all in one
you'll learn there's always a method to my madness
ok so next question.....
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
do you ever see it as a negative that the emo boys are more sensitive than the emo girls....dare i say act like total candy asses sometimes.....
that's a completely biased statement, ill admit
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol yes! I have a lot of gay friends and family members, so I'm cool with gays. But if you're a straight boy, I say fucking act like it. I also say stop stealing my pants and buy some that fit.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
no no no....i'm not talking about the gay ones
they're expected to be sissies, and i say that about all my gay friends
I'm talking about the fucking straight ones
i know guys that call themselves queers that are more manly
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol no, i know. I'm saying the straight guys that share their feelings even when you don't ask, that sulk about everything and spend too much time on their hair - those are not men. or boys. They should be castrated. I suppose some girls might find it attractive, but its not.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
so have you ever considered leading the charge to end emo as a whole due to the corruption in it?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Of course. Believe me, if I knew how to end emo it wouldn't have ever gotten this big. I do my part by explaining to the newer ones that they're idiots, but that's the most anyone can do.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
have you considered being not emo'ish in protest to show others the error of their ways?
Or even a full crusades style cleansing?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
I don't act like I used to, and my style's slowly changing. I'll never completely change my style, because this is who I am, but I'm lightening up and hoping some kids will see that everyone grows up and forgets this shit.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
fair enough.....
ok branching out from that though....
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
do you worry that the emo culture might continue to grow....becoming its own communist civilization with an emo leader....
envision castro with a purple waterfall haircut
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
no, no, it was Hitler who had the emo swoop.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
No, he had a bad comb over and no shampoo
my vision here...stop fucking it up and go with it
besides, he was a socialist.....not a communist
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lmfao good point. Anyway, I pray for the sake of the world that never happens. If it does, I will personally put on a cape and save the fucking world. But I don't see it ever getting that bad. Like I said, everyone grows up. Although, its kind of unnerving that there are more and more emo college students :\
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
It's a legit concern......
I've seen emo's my age.....the regime is coming
Ok, so is there some kind of emo kryptonite?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
not sure. Paris Hilton's vag might work xD
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
Ok, we're talking about just a crusade style cleansing on one group. Not nuclear fallout on the whole planet. You need to refer back to the point on thinking too far ahead.
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
Ok, so what happens when you cut off the bangs. No one has ever tried it before that I know of. Is it like an "Oh no.....I'm mellttttiiinnnnggggg!!!" kinda thing like Wizard of Oz?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
I did to cut mine off! They grew back all emo-y. Maybe its the bangs that control everyone. Oh dear God o.O
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
maybe we've found the source of emo power?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Maybe. But I think Pete Wentz lost the bangs awhile back, and he has yet to grow his balls back.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
he had balls?
ok, so is the crap charlotte guy who boned paris hilton blacklisted as an emo?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Benji Madden. Oh man, was my idol from the ages of 7 to 14. Back then I thought I was punk. So, I'm saying he's not emo.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
but he wears eye liner
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
punk is dead anyways....emos didn't kill it....rancid did
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
This is true. and Benji worship's Rancid lol
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
real punk is sex pistols and misfits.....he's just a cock whore
ok....next question
the singer from AFI....dude or chick? I mean that one with all seriousness.....don't know if that's a candy ass guy, or a butch bitch
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Awe I have to admit, I love Davey Havok (: I refuse to say anything bad about him
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
I'm guessing that's their name?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
well you can answer w/o being mean
dude or chick?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Well. He was a dude in the 90s :\
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
you’re lying
i don't believe it
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol he was never overly manly, but back then I was pretty sure he was a dude
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
I've put doubt in your mind to that, so next question........
wtf is the damn deal with the fn 2 tone star tats???
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
the nautical stars? I think those have been around forever
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
yeah but they weren't inked on everyone and their dog
I'm blaming emo kids for that too
isn't a nautical start a meaning for a sense of direction and looking forward, therefore being a bit of a contradiction?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
haha isn't everything emos do a paradox?
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
yes...but the contradiction brings up a valid point
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lol I don't think you can blame the tattoo on emo. i know a LOT of people that aren't emo that have the star. Its pretty (: ...yeah, okay, i'm losing my brain function.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
ok next question....
why do emo boys make out with each other but say they're not gay?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Because emo girls supposedly think its hot. The way normal guys like it when girls make out, I guess
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
but chicks aren't porking each other in the corn hole.....hotness point is then invalid
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
We watch very different porn. lol I jest. I don't know, I never said I personally found it hot, I'm just saying what makes the most sense to me.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
just trying to understand the logic
ok, moving on......
on one side of the battlefield you have a group of emo boys.....one the other side a group of oompa loompas......who wins the fight?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Well...emo boys carry razor blades in their pockets for convenient on-the-go cutting, don't they?
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
yeah, and how many times do they use them effectively? up the river...not across the stream. That's about as effective as telling someone with no arms to use a bat in a fight
there's been less deaths from emos with razors than ppl who smoke weed. last i checked, the weed number was still at 0
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
lmao! well, back to the question - Willy Wonka's little minions would obviously win. Not sure why, they're just awesome
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
fair enough
i agree with that answer
do you think hot topic to emo's is just a shitty taking advantage of situation by corporate america?
or is it an emo support system?
kinda like the underground railroad
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
well hot topic has been around for a long time :\ back before emo was around, it was a haven for goths and was a more underground thing. Now its taking advantage like you said. The best part is, emos that shop at hot topic are called posers
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
goths are emos, just evolved lol
i figure it as a repackaging for better marketing
did papa roach get accepted as emo even though they didn't start dressing like that until way later?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Not that I'm aware of.
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
fair enough......we don't want em, so yall can have em if ya like
what about powerman 5000?
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
Nick [Myndflip Studios]
they pulled a papa roach
ok i think that'll do it for now....i'm so drowsy i cant think of shit now lol
SaskiaMarie [Skrll]
haha alright