Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Weekend Project: Rewiring the Entertainment Center

Ok so when we moved in this place, Kevin and I kinda rushed things when it came to the entertainment center and getting it going.  We normally tend to have things a bit more professional looking, but honestly time took precedent over organization.  We got it all set and running, added more shit here and there, and just got too damn lazy to rework it all.

We finally realized it had to happen when we were out of plug room on the 2 power strips in the back to add some of the old school game consoles we wanted to get going.  Plus we honestly couldn't figure out what the fuck went where because the wiring hell was such a mess.  I believe someone even mentioned the term "fire hazard" at some point.  Hell Hoffa could have been buried under the wires and we wouldn't have known.

So there we were facing reality that it had to happen.  With everything I first estimated we would use 17 plugs, and I was close.  19 after it was all said and done.  One to spare if we need anything else.  And we managed to get it completely stripped down and wired from the floor up in under 2 hours.

The breakdown, for those who asked:
TV, Receiver (7.1 surround), Gamecube, Airave (cell signal booster), router, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Playstation 2, DVR, A/V switch, blu-ray player, Xbox 360 and HD DVD add-on.  The Playstation 3 will be back on when it gets back from repairs.

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