Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chat Log Fun

Ok, so being the idiots we are.....myself and the guys from Myndflip can be, well, assholes to people at times I guess you could say. So after sitting here around my place tonight and making fun of people, I had an idea. I've got a few chat logs, one of which I posted previously here, which should go up. The first one is actually a log from MySpace between Tim and some Slipknot fanboy.....

Feb 9, 2009 7:17 PM
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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Subterranean Fecal Root (103094857)
To: Keg (104584833)
Date: Nov 19, 2006 1:57 AM

It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Keg
Date: Nov 18 2006 11:33 PM

"They PRACTICE, and WRITE their music."

so do you and dont lie. what you are playing is not improvisation.

That is fucking funny dude.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Subterranean Fecal Root (NEW TRACKS UP!)
Date: Nov 18 2006 1:11 PM

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Inaphyt
Date: Nov 16 2006 9:55 AM

You can call slipknot 'false metal' all you want but the fact of the matter is they will always be better than you. and regardless of what you think you probably wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for bands like slipknot spreading metal.

Think about and write some new material too fucking fakes

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Subterranean Fecal Root (NEW TRACKS UP!)
Date: Nov 16 2006 6:46 AM

If we offended you by talking shit about your favorite band, don't worry! Only a meager 3000 people per month are viewing our little page anyway. Our insignificant opinions could never affect Slipknot. There will always be junior high kids with baggy pants and fitted baseball caps that want to take a break from Eminem and listen to a little Slipknot.

This is a COMEDY project for UNDERGROUND fans. You have us confused with a band that is trying to play shows and sell merchandise. We have never had a band practice, nor do we WRITE any music. It is a spastic studio joke, and clearly you don't get it.

I hope you can find other websites to view that don't hurt your feelings.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Inaphyt
Date: Nov 18 2006 12:59 AM

i listened to it for about 5 seconds and didnt want to get it thank you very much. Listen to bands like beneath the massacre maybe you can produce some comical but 'good sounding' metal at the same time.

P.s i dont even like slipknot but its true they are one of the main bands that created you and many many of your fans you should at least be thankful for that.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Subterranean Fecal Root (NEW TRACKS UP!)
Date: Nov 17 2006 9:35 PM

Thanks for the awesome reply. We enjoy our discussion with you, it is enlightening to say the least.

1. Beneath The Massacre are TRYING to make a good sound. They PRACTICE, and WRITE their music. We don't care that much, and have spent MAYBE 3 hours EVER on our music. That is why our music SUCKS, and it is hilarious that you think we wouldn't know it if you didn't tell us.

2. Dude, we are all 10-12 year older than you. You think Slipknot is the biggest band of all time because they have had platinum records since you were in elementary school. Do Slayer and Iron Maiden also owe Slipknot thanks for "creating" them? We thought Slipknot was a joke then, and we still do today. And as for our "fans" can we have fans if we don't play shows or release albums?

Again, you have confused us with someone aspiring to gain a wide audience of listeners.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Inaphyt
Date: Nov 18 2006 9:24 AM

"They PRACTICE, and WRITE their music."

so do you and dont lie. what you are playing is not improvisation.

"Think about and write some new material too fucking fakes"

Sorry for that comment that was out of order.

"You think Slipknot is the biggest band of all time because they have had platinum records since you were in elementary school."

I think slipknot have spread metal more than pretty much every other band out there including black sabbath and maiden. I couldnt care less how many albums they have or platinum records. Beneath the massacre are my favourite band they havent even got an album....

"And as for our "fans" can we have fans if we don't play shows or release albums?"

I'm not cursing you i hope you do get far with your music.. but to have fans you also have to be different and sound good and practise and write music.

The other thing is it sounds like you think im having a go at you when all im really doing is giving constructive criticism and wondering why you would hate a band that has successfully made metal known worldwide.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Subterranean Fecal Root (NEW TRACKS UP!)
Date: Nov 18 2006 3:09 PM

First of all dude, I don't think you are "having a go" at anyone. Neither are we. You made comments directed at us, and we respond accordingly. As far as I am concerned this is a civil, friendly conversation.

1. "I think slipknot have spread metal more than pretty much every other band out there including black sabbath and maiden."

Again I think that because you are so young you have a poor perspective of where metal comes from. These two bands have packed stadiums with diehard heavy metal fans since the 1970's. Slipknot got their big break on Ozzfest in the mid 1990's, which was their first tour. At that time Ozzfest had packed stadiums for years, so Slipknot was a sideshow clown (pun intended) to the real show.

In the mid 1990's true metal was fucked over and the wigger phenomenon like Korn and Limp Bizkit was in full force. Ozzy ans Sharon could just have easily picked any other of the millions of Coal Chamber bands that sounded exactly like Korn instead of Slipknot. However, Slipknot brings a bunch of gimps to run around on stage dressed up like retarded junkyard crack babies, so they got the spot on the tour just for having a gimmick.

2. "....wondering why you would hate a band that has successfully made metal known worldwide."

I love the underground, and every time some kid buys a Slipknot CD or shirt, they don't buy a Severed Savior or Magrudergrind item instead. When they play big stadium shows, They play with gay emo and mallcore bands instead of with underground bands. Therefore, they are working directly against the underground.

Your favorite band Beneath The Massacre is very special because they are good musicians and they are true metal. Slipknot is simplistic shitty garbage that sells because of gimmicks, not the music.I hope you realize that Slipknot is working AGAINST the music you love most by promoting nu-metal, not the underground

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