Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shit I've Been Busy

Ok so I haven't been on here for shit recently. It's not that I've exactly neglected this thing, but with the launch of Myndflip Studios we've all been busy as hell getting it launched, and then launching the radio station. Might I mention I'm quite happy with how well it's doing so far. In two weeks we've managed to clear 50+ bands signing up to participate along with launching the company as a whole. Hit up and click the radio link to check it out.

So yeah, this shit is going real well. We've met a ton of badass bands, and partied our asses off with quite a few of them. We've even been fortunate enough to be part of the Siidshow 3 with DownsiiD and record each bands set and do interviews with them. We're in the lab doing final mastering on those and should have them up soon.

On a side note....I wanted to make one thing official. Although I happily admit that I enjoy jammin out to One-Eyed Doll, the singer seriously scares the beejesus out of me. Shit half the time I'm playing their music I'm afraid to turn it off under the fear that she'll jump out of my monitor and stab me in the fucking face. Check them out on MySpace.

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