Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The new show is posted along with the IHOP fun.

Episode 28:  Blasphemy, Oh Sweet Blasphemy

Ok so I sobered up enough to get the new podcast posted up.....sorry for the delay :P

We finally got the web feed going for the show so you can watch us live when we record Saturday nights now. Much appreciation to the people who made it in with us.  We tried to rock it with the fake mustaches just for the hell of it, but they were being a pain in the ass.

Celebrations are in order as Tim Tebow is FINALLY out of the damn playoffs and was completely destroyed by the Patriots.  Thank you Tom Brady.....thank you.

Buddy Christ is in studio with us now and made an appearance.

We're working on getting Cam on with us next weekend as technical problems prevented it this week.

Post show we hit up IHOP for the awesomess that is waffles.  We even got to meet the creepiest pedobear motherfucker I've seen in some time now.  I'm still amazed the cops didn't fuck with us any as I was non stop mocking the pedobear, and Kevin started blaring out Buffalo Bill quotes.

You can download the new show by clicking HERE

Special thanks to Jennie, Katie, and Annette for joining us on this one!

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