Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Podcast is Up!!

Episode 34: Drunken Chaos as Usual

We're joined this week on our first show back from some time off by Jennie and Jenn.  Big thanks to Jenn for taking the time to join us so late when she had shit to handle the next morning.

We've all seen the Chick-Fil-A news over the last couple of weeks.  Instead of picking a side, we decide to just rant on both sides of the stupidity of the whole situation.

The NFL is back!!  It is a glorious time!

We also recapped highlights from the last few weeks of our absence.  It's always good to catch up right?

The 2nd half of the show includes our own coverage of the 2012 Olympics and the joys of America making little foreign kids cry.  If that ain't patriotic, I don't know what is.

Download the new episode by clicking HERE

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