Sunday, May 27, 2012

New show is posted and let the Memorial Day Celebrations begin!

I think this show managed to go completely off the deep end.  We went in depth on the fun of people chasing ass in bars, and try to help everyone fine their love connection by writing inmates.  Yes, we want you to have that someone special.

This was all instigated by Jen discussing the sex talk that gets shared in her gym each week, so blame it all on her.  And no, no hot lesbian sex.  I tried to push for it I promise.  Kevin didn't like the idea of sex in a gym anyways.

Hit the download launch on the left and go enjoy the holidays.  Party hard but make sure you make it home safe.

Big thanks to Jen for hanging out with us!  Make sure to follow her on Twitter @FirecrackerJAD
And yes, she's matchmaking awesomeness continues!

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